Gabe had a conference to attend in St. Thomas last week, so naturally I wanted to come along as well! My in-laws generously agreed to watch Persy for a few days while we traveled.

I was fairly giddy the whole trip about having time all to myself. I slept in until the obscene hour of 9:30, (which was actually just 7:30 Utah time, but still . . . )

Beautiful beaches outside of our room

Celebrating our 8 year anniversary at a romantic little restaurant in Red Hook. In addition to this yummy meal we also indulged in a LOT of peanut butter and peanut M&Ms. Nut products are banned from our house because of Persephone's peanut and cashew allergy. Needless to say, their forbidden nature means that we both crave nuts. One of the best parts of traveling without Persy was not having to stress out about what she could eat and if she would be safe because of her severe food allergies.

We stayed at a really lovely resort for the conference, too lovely in fact because I hardly left the premises! I spent all day swimming in the warm ocean and reading under palm trees while Gabe was at his conference. Gabe was also able to do some scuba diving one afternoon and we spent a morning snorkeling together. It was such a relaxing and fun trip!