Monday, May 21, 2012

Where Babies Come From

Here's the conversation I just had with Persy:

Persy:  I'm married too.
Me: Oh, really?  Who did you marry?
Persy:  Daddy
Me:  Uh-oh.  What about me?
Persy:  You raised your hand, and he didn't pick you.

Or how about this little dialogue we had last week:

P: Ding-Dong.  Oh, my!  It's the postman.   (Walks to the door and mimes bringing back a box.) Oh, look!  He brought us a package.
Me: What is it?
P: (Mimes opening a box.)  Oh, my!  It's the baby we've been waiting for, it's finally arrived!


Pixie Moongazer said...

Ah, thats so lovely. The innocence of little ones!

Diannec said...

Love it! She is so imaginative and sweet. A dad's heart has to be filled with love when his little girl wants to marry him! (Little boys often want to marry their moms, too.)